March onward, O warriors of Zionism... You are forsaken.
Jesus spoke of the Jews who said they were Jews, but they were not. He said they belonged to the Synagogue of Satan. It seems evident that what we have influencing us today, in media, in war, in our monetary system, even the decisions being made in Congress from the welfare state to the destruction of our Civil Liberties and Republic, little or nothing of it has to do with the Loving teachings of Jesus, but the influence of Satan himself. Note here that there is indeed a difference between these Secular, Godless Jews, and Christians who say they are Christians, but or not. Those "LOST" Christians, consider themselves God-inspired and righteous, but follow the teachings of these fake Jews, and so take their standing orders for Satan.
At this time, I will make but little reference to Islam. Its ideology is just as dangerous...
It may seem complex, but it is a simple matter. One is a master manipulator, and the other a master slave, but one thing is certain, according to all of the more than 300 versions and interpretations of the bible: Everyone, to the last man, will get just what they deserve.
At this time, I will make but little reference to Islam. Its ideology is just as dangerous...
It may seem complex, but it is a simple matter. One is a master manipulator, and the other a master slave, but one thing is certain, according to all of the more than 300 versions and interpretations of the bible: Everyone, to the last man, will get just what they deserve.
Too lazy to find a moral standard, the fake Christian will send his children to die in a foreign war, and judge an entire race or Religion to justify it all. Many so called Christians, and Jews alike, listen to False Prophets, instead of study, hoping that judgement day will relieve them of the misery they themselves create. Though few will take the time, during this football season, the following is my humble attempt to explain what is so evident to any religious student, and I will state from the beginning that both are damned in the eyes of Christ... Some are damned by deeds, and others are just damned fools. Our souls belong to us, and should not be entrusted to any person, or institution. We alone are responsible for its safekeeping.
"Ken, you know that there are many people who question why the OT and the NT are bound together... the depiction of God are strikingly different. Did you know that there are two alternate endings in that volume? That's your next essay." FR. B. O'Brian, Loyola University, Religious Dialogue Class, 1976. That essay has been missing now for thirty years...
False Christians and Jews...
I hate to tell you...
To the power elite, seemingly, it doesn't matter if there is a resolution in place, a
mandate, or even a treaty. It doesn't matter if it is right or wrong, good or bad, and
it certainly doesn't matter if there is peace or WW3... If history is any indication, it has nothing to do with the millions that will die in war and famine, because what is being designed for our future, and it is designed, has little or nothing to do with a moral compass. It is all about power, control, and profit.
Stealing land, arming both sides to war, the manipulations of elections, false flags, preemptive war, some forms of corporate profit, are doing just what it is supposed to do, designed to do...
Here in America, Secular Jewish Zionists have become the overwhelming source of power and control, with millions of so-called Christian "minions" to prop them up. I know, it seems to be overwhelming. How in the world could it happen that the Pharmaceutical Industry, who wrote Obamacare, patterned it from the mind of Satan? How can the Rothschild Central Banks, the Federal Reserve, the Movie Industry, the Media, the Military arms manufacturing, all be controlled by Secular Zionist Jews? In denial? Please, I beg you to prove this wrong.
Go to your black box and flip through the channels. Stop when you see something loving being displayed. You might flip for days. It is all about revenge, wrath, vengeance, lust, the power of ego, and the mixture of sex and violence. It is about the teachings of Satan.
As we know, Christianity is failing all around the world, displaced by secularism. Like a giant octopus, this Progressive Communistic Socialism is spreading worldwide, and why isn't the Christians pushing back? They are hoping that the problems escalating from the Middle East to the Far East will stimulate the rebirth of their their Lord Savior. The worse it gets, the better they seem to like it. They have a mindset that can not be denied, that Jesus will return... but wait, let us take a closer look at this phenomenal revelation... Lets look inside of the ancient leaves of our Holy Book...
Jesus, please help us!
Stealing land, arming both sides to war, the manipulations of elections, false flags, preemptive war, some forms of corporate profit, are doing just what it is supposed to do, designed to do...
Here in America, Secular Jewish Zionists have become the overwhelming source of power and control, with millions of so-called Christian "minions" to prop them up. I know, it seems to be overwhelming. How in the world could it happen that the Pharmaceutical Industry, who wrote Obamacare, patterned it from the mind of Satan? How can the Rothschild Central Banks, the Federal Reserve, the Movie Industry, the Media, the Military arms manufacturing, all be controlled by Secular Zionist Jews? In denial? Please, I beg you to prove this wrong.
Go to your black box and flip through the channels. Stop when you see something loving being displayed. You might flip for days. It is all about revenge, wrath, vengeance, lust, the power of ego, and the mixture of sex and violence. It is about the teachings of Satan.
As we know, Christianity is failing all around the world, displaced by secularism. Like a giant octopus, this Progressive Communistic Socialism is spreading worldwide, and why isn't the Christians pushing back? They are hoping that the problems escalating from the Middle East to the Far East will stimulate the rebirth of their their Lord Savior. The worse it gets, the better they seem to like it. They have a mindset that can not be denied, that Jesus will return... but wait, let us take a closer look at this phenomenal revelation... Lets look inside of the ancient leaves of our Holy Book...
Jesus, please help us!
To the Orthodox Jew, however, this is not the re-birth of Jesus, the second coming, but the first coming. For them, Jesus never existed, and it is blasphemy to even say his name aloud. Is this taught in a regular Bible Study group? No. And though Jesus is found in the New Testament, many Christians follow the teachings of the old, as well... How did that happen? Well, and I know this might seem harsh, but the joke is really on both Christianity and Judaism. As Zionism was created just a hundred and fifty years ago to uplift Secular (fake) Jews, its power came from the blood, toil, and tears of both Christianity and Judaism. They were well played, still are, and by a veritable master who wears multi-colored cloaks. Multi-colored snakes who sit at the apex of civilization, encased and protected.
Now don't get angry here, goodness no, lets take a look at both the mindset and game plan that got Christianity and Judaism into this fine mess. From the start, let us note that there is no way to turn this around without a bit of self reflection. Unfortunately, few care enough to try... It will take an amazing amount of effort to turn this around... as many mindset lies have been put in place as truth for so long, repeated so many times, that people will actually die to defend it... they will even send their children to die, triple the national debt, watch their culture dissolve, their history rewritten, their race and heritage destroyed along with their national treasure, give up civil liberty for the hope of safety, and embrace debt slavery with trust and hope. And all of it is orchestrated by the clever mind of Satan. Lucifer, by any other name, will smell as sweet.
The righteous task...and so...
Since we are betting our veritable and collective futures on what is written in the Bible, let's at least skim it to see if it is true... Lets start here:
Leviticus 20:9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.
Now, I ask you, is that the mindset you want your children to learn? Is that the teaching of Jesus? Is that what you want your children to be? Is wrath and vengeance the True essence of Jesus? No? Then why do you promote it? Your children are pulling away from your faith, for a secular one, imposed on them by a secular media, movies, news, and their classrooms, because your faith has been perverted by Satanic inclusions.
This void, by your perverted faith, is filled with a powerful aphrodisiac, of violence, lust, and many undefinable shades of gray. It exists because it is profitable, and profitable because enough buy into it, to make it so. People like you. Morality is not promoted, because it is not profitable. If Christians embraced morality, it would flourish. But what fun is in that? Lets do anything, anything at all, if it feels good. And without morals and ethics, without Love and Honor, we are easily convinced, easily controlled. It is a mindset instilled in our culture from birth... by our masters.
Lets Continue....
Leviticus 20:10 If a man commits adultery with another man's wife-with the wife of his neighbor-both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
Here we condemn the Koran, and find the same mindset in our own bible... Doesn't Jesus say to judge not, and that he without guilt cast the first stone? What of the Christians voting for a President, and his handlers, who demand 3300 abortions a day? Mmmm. Lets keep looking...
Letivicus 20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death.
So answer this, is the teaching of the OT and the NT compatible? Why is vengeance and wrath used to displace the Loving heart of Jesus? Why? Because most, so called Christians, do not read. It is why they can't get this far in an essay. They need a meme.
Well, hold on to your hats... Here is all of the justification for the fake Jews and Christians to unite as one:
Now don't get angry here, goodness no, lets take a look at both the mindset and game plan that got Christianity and Judaism into this fine mess. From the start, let us note that there is no way to turn this around without a bit of self reflection. Unfortunately, few care enough to try... It will take an amazing amount of effort to turn this around... as many mindset lies have been put in place as truth for so long, repeated so many times, that people will actually die to defend it... they will even send their children to die, triple the national debt, watch their culture dissolve, their history rewritten, their race and heritage destroyed along with their national treasure, give up civil liberty for the hope of safety, and embrace debt slavery with trust and hope. And all of it is orchestrated by the clever mind of Satan. Lucifer, by any other name, will smell as sweet.
The righteous task...and so...
Since we are betting our veritable and collective futures on what is written in the Bible, let's at least skim it to see if it is true... Lets start here:
Leviticus 20:9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.
Now, I ask you, is that the mindset you want your children to learn? Is that the teaching of Jesus? Is that what you want your children to be? Is wrath and vengeance the True essence of Jesus? No? Then why do you promote it? Your children are pulling away from your faith, for a secular one, imposed on them by a secular media, movies, news, and their classrooms, because your faith has been perverted by Satanic inclusions.
This void, by your perverted faith, is filled with a powerful aphrodisiac, of violence, lust, and many undefinable shades of gray. It exists because it is profitable, and profitable because enough buy into it, to make it so. People like you. Morality is not promoted, because it is not profitable. If Christians embraced morality, it would flourish. But what fun is in that? Lets do anything, anything at all, if it feels good. And without morals and ethics, without Love and Honor, we are easily convinced, easily controlled. It is a mindset instilled in our culture from birth... by our masters.
Lets Continue....
Leviticus 20:10 If a man commits adultery with another man's wife-with the wife of his neighbor-both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.
Here we condemn the Koran, and find the same mindset in our own bible... Doesn't Jesus say to judge not, and that he without guilt cast the first stone? What of the Christians voting for a President, and his handlers, who demand 3300 abortions a day? Mmmm. Lets keep looking...
Letivicus 20:13 If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death.
So answer this, is the teaching of the OT and the NT compatible? Why is vengeance and wrath used to displace the Loving heart of Jesus? Why? Because most, so called Christians, do not read. It is why they can't get this far in an essay. They need a meme.
Well, hold on to your hats... Here is all of the justification for the fake Jews and Christians to unite as one:
Deuteronomy 7:1-2New International Version (NIV)
Driving Out the Nations
7 When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.[a] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
Deuteronomy 20:10-17New International Version (NIV)
10 When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the Lord your God gives you from your enemies. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
16 However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. |
Oh, poor Christians... and oh, poor, poor Jews. Someone has tried to exterminate you!
But there seems to be an alternate ending in our Good Book, a separate mindset that the Jews do not embrace... It is the real reason some have so hated Christians, and all other religions as well, for 2000 years... You can be sure they hold their Good Book in high regard, and why fake Christians have not... It is why they (secular Zionism) now reigns supreme. So sorry to tell you, but America is no longer a Christian Nation, but a Secular Zionist Nation, and all Presidents have been approved by them since Woodrow Wilson. Only JFK pushed back, and he was killed... This is the reality of the Liberty you so long to hold, as your God Inspired Civil Liberties are under their control, from the FBI to the IRS. Prove this by doing your own homework.
Our America is no longer a Republic since 1871, when it was incorporated, and our Constitution has been replaced by Maritime Law. Look it up. There are many ways to skin a cat, and they now own this country, lock, stock, and barrel. In 2007 our National Debt was six trillion. What is it today? If you do not know this you are part of the problem. And oh, you thought all of this happened by chance? Goes to show, they are smart cookies, and you are their cattle. But Jesus knew about them, their convoluted evil nature, and promised that Christians were his chosen people. And yet, these secular Jews know Christians better than they know themselves, and have found them very easily controlled. Just as they have rewritten history, so to do Christian Zionists self-reflect through the mind of a Secular Zionist Jew, Satan's pawn. So amazingly convincing, it is now hard to see any difference at all. They are two peas in the same pod...
So, lets see what the Old Testament God of Wrath and vengeance thought of the Children of Jerusalem...
God’s Judgment against Jerusalem

Ezekiel 17 Then the word of the Lord came to me: 18 “Son of man, the people of Israel have become dross to me; all of them are the copper, tin, iron and lead left inside a furnace. They are but the dross of silver. 19 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Because you have all become dross, I will gather you into Jerusalem. 20 As silver, copper, iron, lead and tin are gathered into a furnace to be melted with a fiery blast, so will I gather you in my anger and my wrath and put you inside the city and melt you. 21 I will gather you and I will blow on you with my fiery wrath, and you will be melted inside her. 22 As silver is melted in a furnace, so you will be melted inside her, and you will know that I the Lord have poured out my wrath on you.’”
It is a powerful image. A God of wrath is infuriated with the impertinent sinners in Jerusalem. They are supposed to be his chosen people, but they repeatedly defy him, disobey his laws, and ignore the many instances of his righteous justice. He is threatening Zionism.
This prophecy of Ezekiel is generally thought of as metaphorical, but some take it literally. That's the rub. God seems to be speaking in terms of fire in the context of refining precious metals. When you mine gold, you have to melt the raw chunks of ore in a furnace in order to separate the gold from the rest. So it seems, with God’s wrath. It is, and always was, intended to burn the sin out of people and leave only what is excellent in humanity, but people use this idea to promote an agenda... and fear is the grease that moves that wheel.
Nevertheless, this passage is horrifying insofar as God seems quite literal in his description of what his fiery wrath will do to the inhabitants of the kingdom of Jerusalem. He will burn them so hotly that they melt like metal. Only sin will be left in that furnace, and what is left will be pure...
But wait, there is more to this story, and it is scary to behold...and open for interpretation.
The Lake of Fire (NT)

Hell is described in only a few spots throughout the Bible as a place of fire, and all these descriptions are in the New Testament except for allegorical stories like Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. In God’s Revelation to John, the final end of the world is depicted as a war between good and evil. The good are not Christians. Christians are raptured to Heaven before the Great Tribulation begins, sparing them the horrors that ensue.
Instead, the good who remain are those who convert to the Christian faith and die as martyrs at the hands of the Antichrist, also called the beast. He is assisted by another beast, called the False Prophet, the antithesis of the Holy Spirit. They are both controlled by Satan. They first come to power by masterful diplomacy, making the whole love them and unite behind them in the name of peace, but then, after three and a half years, the Antichrist shows his true colors, taking over the whole world, something no one has ever achieved, not Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, or Hitler.
In the end, an actual battle will take place at Har-Megiddo, in northern Israel. This name was Hellenized as Armageddon.
The Beast will lead all the world’s armies against Jesus himself, who will ride on a white horse at the head of an army in the sky of all the Christians in history. Jesus will speak the truth, and the truth will destroy everyone below. Then the Beast and the False Prophet will be “thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.” This means that they do not die first and then go to Hell; they are thrown into Hell still alive. John is clear that the rest of the people simply die by the truth of Jesus, and are then devoured by all the birds of the air. Satan is bound in chains by a mighty angel, ostensibly Michael, and thrown into the Abyss for 1,000 years. This is not the lake of fire. The Abyss may be another word for Hell, or it may be the same Abyss out of which come the locusts of #6.
This is interesting: all those killed at Armageddon go to Hell, but not the lake of fire. This means there must be more to Hell than a single lake of fire. After the 1,000 years are over, Satan is released, having refused to change his ways. He once again leads all the world astray against God’s holy people in the city he loves, and God rains down fire from Heaven and destroys them. Then Satan is thrown in to the lake of fire where he, the Beast, and the False Prophet burn forever in eternal torture. This is the second death.
Then God makes his final judgment for or against everyone who has ever lived. Some go to Heaven, now called the New Jerusalem, with streets paved in solid gold, twelve gates made of single pearls, twelve precious-stone foundations for the 1,400-mile high, 200-foot thick walls. The rest are thrown into the lake of fire with the Unholy Trinity, and there all the impenitent sinners burn for eternity. God saves the worst for last: this is the absolute culmination of all the “hellfire and brimstone,” “the wrath of God,” throughout the Bible.
Author's note:
Looks like fun times ahead...if you believe it so. Indeed, our reality is not set in stone. We have free will, and can create our future. We are accountable for our actions, as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and if we can not form an olive-branch of compatibility, we will destroy this earth. I have written this with hope for a peaceful end, because I have a low IQ, and Love my family, my friends, and all life on the beautiful earth. I write this because I truly think I live in an Insane Asylum. If only I had a magic wand...
Happy New Year America, 2018. May it be the year of TRUTH.
But there seems to be an alternate ending in our Good Book, a separate mindset that the Jews do not embrace... It is the real reason some have so hated Christians, and all other religions as well, for 2000 years... You can be sure they hold their Good Book in high regard, and why fake Christians have not... It is why they (secular Zionism) now reigns supreme. So sorry to tell you, but America is no longer a Christian Nation, but a Secular Zionist Nation, and all Presidents have been approved by them since Woodrow Wilson. Only JFK pushed back, and he was killed... This is the reality of the Liberty you so long to hold, as your God Inspired Civil Liberties are under their control, from the FBI to the IRS. Prove this by doing your own homework.
Our America is no longer a Republic since 1871, when it was incorporated, and our Constitution has been replaced by Maritime Law. Look it up. There are many ways to skin a cat, and they now own this country, lock, stock, and barrel. In 2007 our National Debt was six trillion. What is it today? If you do not know this you are part of the problem. And oh, you thought all of this happened by chance? Goes to show, they are smart cookies, and you are their cattle. But Jesus knew about them, their convoluted evil nature, and promised that Christians were his chosen people. And yet, these secular Jews know Christians better than they know themselves, and have found them very easily controlled. Just as they have rewritten history, so to do Christian Zionists self-reflect through the mind of a Secular Zionist Jew, Satan's pawn. So amazingly convincing, it is now hard to see any difference at all. They are two peas in the same pod...
So, lets see what the Old Testament God of Wrath and vengeance thought of the Children of Jerusalem...
God’s Judgment against Jerusalem
Ezekiel 22:17-22

Ezekiel 17 Then the word of the Lord came to me: 18 “Son of man, the people of Israel have become dross to me; all of them are the copper, tin, iron and lead left inside a furnace. They are but the dross of silver. 19 Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Because you have all become dross, I will gather you into Jerusalem. 20 As silver, copper, iron, lead and tin are gathered into a furnace to be melted with a fiery blast, so will I gather you in my anger and my wrath and put you inside the city and melt you. 21 I will gather you and I will blow on you with my fiery wrath, and you will be melted inside her. 22 As silver is melted in a furnace, so you will be melted inside her, and you will know that I the Lord have poured out my wrath on you.’”
It is a powerful image. A God of wrath is infuriated with the impertinent sinners in Jerusalem. They are supposed to be his chosen people, but they repeatedly defy him, disobey his laws, and ignore the many instances of his righteous justice. He is threatening Zionism.
This prophecy of Ezekiel is generally thought of as metaphorical, but some take it literally. That's the rub. God seems to be speaking in terms of fire in the context of refining precious metals. When you mine gold, you have to melt the raw chunks of ore in a furnace in order to separate the gold from the rest. So it seems, with God’s wrath. It is, and always was, intended to burn the sin out of people and leave only what is excellent in humanity, but people use this idea to promote an agenda... and fear is the grease that moves that wheel.
Nevertheless, this passage is horrifying insofar as God seems quite literal in his description of what his fiery wrath will do to the inhabitants of the kingdom of Jerusalem. He will burn them so hotly that they melt like metal. Only sin will be left in that furnace, and what is left will be pure...
But wait, there is more to this story, and it is scary to behold...and open for interpretation.
The Lake of Fire (NT)
Revelation 19:20, 20:10, 14, 15

Hell is described in only a few spots throughout the Bible as a place of fire, and all these descriptions are in the New Testament except for allegorical stories like Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. In God’s Revelation to John, the final end of the world is depicted as a war between good and evil. The good are not Christians. Christians are raptured to Heaven before the Great Tribulation begins, sparing them the horrors that ensue.
Instead, the good who remain are those who convert to the Christian faith and die as martyrs at the hands of the Antichrist, also called the beast. He is assisted by another beast, called the False Prophet, the antithesis of the Holy Spirit. They are both controlled by Satan. They first come to power by masterful diplomacy, making the whole love them and unite behind them in the name of peace, but then, after three and a half years, the Antichrist shows his true colors, taking over the whole world, something no one has ever achieved, not Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, or Hitler.
In the end, an actual battle will take place at Har-Megiddo, in northern Israel. This name was Hellenized as Armageddon.
The Beast will lead all the world’s armies against Jesus himself, who will ride on a white horse at the head of an army in the sky of all the Christians in history. Jesus will speak the truth, and the truth will destroy everyone below. Then the Beast and the False Prophet will be “thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.” This means that they do not die first and then go to Hell; they are thrown into Hell still alive. John is clear that the rest of the people simply die by the truth of Jesus, and are then devoured by all the birds of the air. Satan is bound in chains by a mighty angel, ostensibly Michael, and thrown into the Abyss for 1,000 years. This is not the lake of fire. The Abyss may be another word for Hell, or it may be the same Abyss out of which come the locusts of #6.
This is interesting: all those killed at Armageddon go to Hell, but not the lake of fire. This means there must be more to Hell than a single lake of fire. After the 1,000 years are over, Satan is released, having refused to change his ways. He once again leads all the world astray against God’s holy people in the city he loves, and God rains down fire from Heaven and destroys them. Then Satan is thrown in to the lake of fire where he, the Beast, and the False Prophet burn forever in eternal torture. This is the second death.
Then God makes his final judgment for or against everyone who has ever lived. Some go to Heaven, now called the New Jerusalem, with streets paved in solid gold, twelve gates made of single pearls, twelve precious-stone foundations for the 1,400-mile high, 200-foot thick walls. The rest are thrown into the lake of fire with the Unholy Trinity, and there all the impenitent sinners burn for eternity. God saves the worst for last: this is the absolute culmination of all the “hellfire and brimstone,” “the wrath of God,” throughout the Bible.
Author's note:
Looks like fun times ahead...if you believe it so. Indeed, our reality is not set in stone. We have free will, and can create our future. We are accountable for our actions, as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and if we can not form an olive-branch of compatibility, we will destroy this earth. I have written this with hope for a peaceful end, because I have a low IQ, and Love my family, my friends, and all life on the beautiful earth. I write this because I truly think I live in an Insane Asylum. If only I had a magic wand...
Happy New Year America, 2018. May it be the year of TRUTH.
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