Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Data collection and analysis enslaves us all by Ken LaRive

Data collection and analysis enslaves us all... by Ken LaRive

Let's look at the truth of the matter... if you can. Indeed, it is a complex issue, but I will try to present it one magnificent concept at a time... concise, and to the point. 

Hillary was, and is, just a pawn. So too is the Fed Chairman, the President, and you...The machine that created her, and us, is our true master... That conglomerate machine is a banking cartel, and the minions who feed on her... Oh, you didn't know that?  Without a doubt we have created them, by our compliance... but they have, in every way possible, created us as well. Our biased truth is woven into us,  our so-called reality, one slap, or caress, at a time... and though we have the God-given ability to reason, (our intellect), blatantly a staunchly  considering ourselves to have both free will and original thinking, most everything we produce is a reflection of that machine... It is indeed hard to swallow, but the dreams we once had, now belongs to it, because your virtual you is now you... Oh, in denial?   

Yes, this profound truth is very disconcerting to behold... and few can look at it without fear and dread... This power structure knows you, all of us, from the inside out, and what we have done is well-recorded, analyzed and evaluated, and here is the rub... We are all matched, from every connection we do daily, and as far back as our furthest ancestor, even our genetic code, by one of three, (possibly more), very large, super computers. They indeed can look at the process and effect of every move we can possibly make, every decision a person can potentially create, and by extrapolation, create it first. Each of us has a set number of variables, and it grows with every move we make, by links and apps, GPS tracking, and habits...   

They can then determine the multiples of simultaneous procedures to accomplish the same task you are attempting, intervene... or guide you along with the hope of selling you something, or, heaven forbid... hold you accountable to one of their intuitions, like the IRS, to punish wrong thinking...  Did anyone at the IRS get fired for doing this? Is the Patriot Act and the NDAA alive and well? Yes. No one is in trouble, because what I am describing here is our future... Unless, we push back... but really, can you?

Think tanks still do exist, but no modern think-tank is complete without data, and computers communicate, cross-reference and footnote, creating impartial annotations and observations that can predict, by an impartial evaluation, the future with unprecedented accuracy. 

If it looks like "they" have made a mistake, or seemingly too weak or uninformed to respond, you are very much mistaken. It is designed that way, and so to is every move every country makes... Yes, indeed, so very hard to believe, but never the less it is true. What makes you easily controlled is the standard we hold, and the blueprint of this has been pre-formulated in the mentality of a computer, and all of the little pieces from birth to now fit perfectly together, just for you. It is your virtual you. Like a little bubble, the essence of who you are floats in what some have described as a matrix, a virtual template of you and me, and the world we live in. 

Rigid or weak, the machine mimics our standards. It is a reflection of where we have surfed, what we have bought or searched for on line, from Ebay and search engines... what we are curious about on You Tube... even our taste in restaurants, politics, and porn. 

We have something like an avatar, a dossier, a little black book that knows how you and I are going to probably react, before we have actually made a conscious decision. This is an important part here, because it is here we can be coerced, controlled.. to do what they want us to do... They want us to comply.

Categorized, comparatively classified, tagged and grouped, there is a folder just for us, with our name and picture on the cover... and inside, every picture we ever posted on line, every word we have written is a tag, strings that reach into the files of every person, institution, tradition, association, and every social or public violation as well... every phone call, email, text, can be accessed without any stop. 

Our lives are recorded, and in a constant state of evaluation and assessment. And what a spectacular tool this is for those who want to stay in power over every aspect of our lives. A tool that has finally come of age... The Machiavellian design for power and control.

Free will? Liberty? Responsibility for self? All of this is dead, but you hang on thinking the world is a benevolent and Loving place. Sucker... You are just a slave... Big Brother is alive, and growing stronger in your complacency, just as predicted. 

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