“Know thy enemy.” was written
in The Art of War, and “If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred
battles... if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled
in every single battle.” With this in mind I give you your true enemy. An enemy
who works steadfast and unrelenting inside of the folds of our country, and
outside the boundary called rule of law. We see their work in the light of
day... that which was scientifically prepared and carefully presented in
increments for us to digest with deceit... in the dead of night. Their power is so formidable, their
intelligence and insight so pronounced, they can appear as our very best
partner, while undermining the very structure and fabric that identifies all future
paths for our nation, by lies and deceit. I give to you, The Federal Reserve
System. -Ken LaRive, 1999.
104 years of slavery...
Long ago... so long ago it now seems more of a myth, there was a country called The United States of America. It was a land of vast resources, a land of opportunity, a land of Liberty, and a land of dreams. People from all over the world came here, oppressed and enslaved by totalitarian church states, and some so poor they worked as indentured servants for seven years, just to get the price of passage...
All that changed just 104 years ago.... And though many
dates are important to us as a nation, with some living on in infamy, no other
has more profound implication to our nation than the date, December 23, 1913.
Until that date, we had a country who's Congressional
Statesmen, most overwhelmingly, adhered to our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And though there were men in the folds of our nation who wanted to change us,
to help international entries to gain control of us, our constitution was
virtually intact, (but you must study the year 1871, the year we became incorporated), as laid out by our founders. For all intent and purpose, both
Liberty and our National Treasure, has been stolen.
Of all of the stipulations of that mighty document, our
Constitution, one element was thought to be primary to our amazing success,
Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5. If you have not read the Constitution, you
are doing yourself and your children a great disservice. It is the veritable
key not only to unlocking your dreams, but a key to the very shackles you find
yourself in today. Shackles, that you polish by the threat of a gun... “Congress
shall have power to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign
coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.”
Right after that is another very profound clause, found in
the same section 8. It stipulates that Congress has the power to “punish
counterfeiters.” So with a “Once Upon A Time” story, I'd like to explain to
you just what happened...
A traitorous Congress...
A few men, men very similar to those who hold office of
power on both sides of the isle today, now called Neocons on the Right, and
Progressives on the left, are virtually indistinguishable. Indistinguishable, because
both are bought and paid for by the same lobby... And most all, almost to the last man, have
done everything for their specific agendas, at the veritable expense of our
Constitution and Bill of Rights, as the NDAA and Patriot Act will attest. But
just as most Americans have not read the Constitution, so too have they not
read these manifestos of slavery.
The lost letter... and the invisible government...
In a letter found in the personal effects of my long
deceased father-in-law, Mr. Joseph
Makazitch, from a man named Wickiffe B. Vennard Sr., National Chairman for
Americans for America, (1968), there was an amazing historical revelation that
stimulated me to learn more: “A traitorous Congress, led principally by
Senator Nelson Aldrich of New York, kin of the Rockefeller clan, and one Carter
Glass, Senator from Virginia, unconstitutionally- (because this Act constituted
an illegal amendment of the Constitution) -sneaked through Congress just two
days before Christmas in 1913, when many in that body had gone home for the
Holidays, The Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Banks, a system owned
and operated not by the United States Government, as many have been led to
believe, but by a group of private Rothschild and affiliated bankers sent here
from Europe for the express purpose of gaining control of this Nation's money
system, just as they had done in every nation in Europe with the exception of
Czarist Russia, up to that time, and involved that continent in war after war.
The Banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb Company, sent Paul Warburg to
America from their office in Hamburg, Germany, to become the chief “engineer,” implementer, and spokesman for
the newly proposed system, and voila, was appointed first Governor of the
Federal Reserve Board. Yes, of course,
there were those who emphatically opposed it on principle, and they fought this
bill on the floor of Congress. In the middle of the fray, that goes on to this
very day, one voice stood out as a loyal Constutionalist, Congressman Lindbergh
of Minnesota. He said: “This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on
earth. When the President signs the Bill, the invisible Government by the
Monetary Power will be legalized... The people may not know it immediately, but
the day of reckoning is only a few years removed... The people must make a
declaration of independence to relieve themselves from the (this) monetary power...
This they will be able to do by taking control of Congress, the division of
Congress into political parties is a crime...” I had to read this several
Since that bill was signed into law by President Wilson,
this nation has been sliding down a slippery hill- The involvement of two World
Wars, and from that time a barrage of so called “police actions,” and the
reality of today is a heading to a “One World Government.” War is very
profitable for the Military Industrial Complex, and there is no end in sight.
Without a doubt, if we the people can not find the means to curb this
domineering power, all will be lost. Well, read on, there is indeed a
Today we are being primed for war, by fear and hatred, and there
are no means for the average person to reason it out. Promoted by a media
dominated and controlled by these mega-corporations, new enemies are being
created and destroyed in a never-ending process, and with it our our national
debt is the virtual fulfillment of Limburg's prophecy. He warned us, as so many
others along the way tried to do, and today the Federal Reserve prints money
out of thin air just to to pay for the interest on that debt... And since this
is not taught in school, and the new American mindset is the never ending need
for government involvement in every aspect of their lives, no declaration of
independence seems evident at this time.
Still, a few are questioning why, for instance, that our
borders are not secured, or how UN mandates are said to now trump what is left
of our Constitution, and the answer is a simple one, though most disconcerting
for a Libertarian.
You see, it is designed that way, without a doubt, as paying
for a fence and security is not in the best interest for a power structure who
wants to bring the entire world under their dominate control, a New World Order
as it were. And, as they know well, American sovereignty will be abolished
without border security, and combined with both debt slavery and the hidden tax
of inflation, our destruction is secure. Ask yourself... why would an
international conglomerate of bankers and industry care for what happens to
America? We would, America, to the last
man and penny, be absorbed into their collective, and this is happening right
before our eyes.
with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto.”
On July 1st, 1957, William McChesney Marten, then
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (FRS), was
quoted in a testimony before the Senate Finance Investigating Committee: “The
only right Government has is the right of repeal.” Think for a moment just
what this means. You see, it was just 12 years prior, on July 1st,
1944, “that the nation was placed under international control through our
fiscal system by means of the Bretton Woods Agreement. The plot was hatched in
the woods by the international bankers which established the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank of Reconstruction and Development. The
“Convertibility Clause” of Bretton Woods, tied all foreign currencies to the
U.S. Dollar, which in turn allowed any member nation with U.S. Dollars to
convert them to gold, thus bringing about the hemorrhaging of our gold in Fort
Knox.” (Note: No audit of Fort Knox has been available to the American
Citizen for over fifty years. Our National Treasure has been squandered, and we
are not allowed to know, who, when, where or how.)
In that traitorous acquisition, both the pound and the dollar has been
devalued, and every time we have this devaluation, our future is culled and
placed in a foreign bank, as is the same when money is printed out of thin air.
When the Federal Reserve prints unsecured money, it is one more nail in our
coffin, a burden designed to enslave us, and our posterity no longer belongs to
us as we the people, and our future, and our children's future belongs to them.
The shadow Government...
The International Monetary Plan in Prospective was published
in February 1968 in what was called a monthly review of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City. You had better sit down:
“Recent developments in international finance,
highlighted by the devaluation of the British pound and speculative activity in
the London gold market, have created considerable interest in the future
viability of the international monetary system. Policy-makers, of course, have
been vitally interested in this issue for a number of years.
The most notable accomplishment, however, has been
directed toward the problem of assuring an adequate long-run supply of
international reserves. This accomplishment occurred at the annual meeting of
the International Monetary Fund, (IMF) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in
September 1967, when a resolution was unanimously adopted to proceed with a
plan to establish, within the fund, machinery for the creation of a new
international reserve facility.” Yes, a new international Federal Reserve
Discussions were rifle at the time, and there were many
thoughts published on this matter in that year, 1968, the year I was drafted to
Vietnam. One blaring accusation by Congressman Wright Patman, who was then
chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, during a Joint Economic
Committee of Congress, stated that William McChesny Martin was, “guilty of
malfeasance and nonfeasance in office.” And on February of that year the Los Angeles
Times quoted William McChesney Marten to have stated: “An increase in the
price of gold, in effect a devaluation of the dollar, is nether necessary or
desirable as a solution to the nation's gold outflow and imbalance of payment
problems... we're overextended and over committed and we're trying to do too
much too fast... perpetual defects are the road to the undermining of any
currency... the United States is on a wartime economy and has to pay for the
Yes, a wartime economy that has continued to this day. And
since Bretton Woods, it is insured to continue unabated and perpetually, as
without it the ceiling would fall in... and that is why they want to
continually lift the debt ceiling, unless, of course, spending is curbed... but
there is too much profit to make for the war machine, international banks and
international corporations, with men holding duel citizenship in our very
congress pulling the strings. War is a racket.
Paper Gold... (Perhaps a straight shot of Tequila Gold
may be in order to finish this essay.)
Before continuing to the overt punch line, let us receded a
bit to the year 1763 when our ambassador, Benjamin Franklin was asked why the
so called Colonies had been so prosperous. His statement rings true, even as we
drown: “Because we issue our own money.” Soon after, the very next year
in fact, England prohibited that practice and that was the primary cause of the
Revolutionary War of 1775, and realize here that every war that has been
“declared” in the history of this nation... has stemmed from this very cause.
So what I'm stating here, emphatically, is that banking cartels have tried to
put their boots on our throats from the very first,,, In 1811, for instance,
Congress voted to not renew the charter of the First Bank of the United States,
and from that came the War of 1812. And why? Because International Bankers knew
that “debt free” money, as printed according to our Constitution, is
also called “honest money” and it could not be tapped by them. They
could not get a cut in our unprecedented prosperity otherwise! They knew that
without control of our monitory system, and the amazing industry and people who
came to our shores from all corners of the world could not be dominated... and
because of this primary reason... The Civil War was precipitated.
Martin further stated: “Rather than increase the price of
gold as a solution to the payments imbalance, he called for active cooperation
among nations of the world and the IMF in the creation of a much-discussed
'paper gold” (also referenced to the S.D. Rs-Special Drawing Rights and paper
gold- W.B.Vsr.) drawing rights on the IMF as a supplement to international
reserves... Reserves used by countries in international dealings now consist of
gold, U.S. Dollars and and British pound sterling... Gold and the U.S. Dollars
are the most prized universally, especially since the pound has devalued... As
our deficit has mounted over the years, many foreigners holding dollars have
asked for gold- still the ultimate in acceptability as international money.
Some countries have “cashed in,” fearing that the United States would raise the
price of gold, therefor a devaluation of the dollar... and in effect
repudiating some of its international debt.”
Wonder how China, Russia, Japan, and India might feel about
this, and if history is any indication of future events, wouldn't that be the
primary catalyst for war? In 1968, Lundberg who was then chairman of the Bank
of America, made a startling suggestion: “The Federal Reserve Board's powers
be vastly extended to include control over the entire U.S. credit industry, not
just commercial banks. The Federal Reserve Bank, which is not part of the
Government but is often sympathetic to government fiscal goals, now has
controls beyond regulation of interest rates and reserve requirements of
commercial banks. The Government's policy is fiscal irresponsibility and it
presents a clear-cut danger to the world economy... We cannot continue to run
such sizable deficits in our balance of payments, at a time when our gold stock
is being reduced, without seriously undermining world confidence in the
dollar.” When that was written the
National Debt was $336 Billion, and the annual interest on that debt was 14
billion. At this time, or debt is 17.6 trillion, and there is no viable way to
determine if that number is accurate, or in actuality, what we pay in interest,
or to whom. No complete audit of the Federal Reserve has taken place as of yet,
though this year we are told it will happen...
World War three has already begun...
We are being drawn into a world conflict, a World War three,
for this very reason alone... for corporate and banking profit. We Americans
are such good and trusting people... We think our cause is a noble one... that
we are bringing something called democracy to the lands we destroy, from the
outside in to the inside out, and in the process, make fortunes for those who
finance it, from banks who finance both sides, to a debt that enslaves our very
future... A debt so big, and growing every day, it is unsustainable... and when
we foreclose on this debt, the American entitlement society and working man
alike, will not be able to wrap their minds around just how bad it may
become... and as we will kill each other for the scraps that are left, bankers,
like carpetbagger vultures, will own us all, lock, stock, and barrel. Let me
say this again, for the sake of celerity... it could get so bad that most
everyone left alive, after a week without lights, will beg government to quell
the ciaos by force... and the men who will rescue us, will not be the US Army,
Navy, or Marine, but Solders of Fortune like Black-water, working with an
international force called the UN. Only then... will America find it in their
hearts and minds to state a Declaration of Independence, and the blood of tyrants
and patriots will be the fertilizer for a New America, born again in Liberty,
or, more likely be absorbed into a One World Order.
If we can come together, if we can restore Article 1,
Section 8, Paragraph 5, all nu-Constitutional activities will wither and die.
Yes, it is said that the root of all evil is man's love for money, and so if we
can show that Liberty is profitable, that truth is profitable, that peace is
profitable, and that our Constitution ties us to prosperity, America will again
be a beacon of light for the entire world, just as we once were.
God bless America, and the entire world as well.
Author's note:
There are two other dates that may be of some interest to
you, as an informed American Citizen. It was sent to me by Lisa Guliani, in response to my 2011 essay published in the Crowley Post.
"The date
is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer
you to the "Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34,
Session III, chapters 61 and 62. On this date in the history of
our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government
for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of
1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no
constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for
the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land."
The other is The
inauguration day of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States,
Friday, January 20, 2017.
Further study,
evaluation, and revalation...
CODE: Title 28,3002. Definitions (Page gone, but archived here.)
"United States" means —
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Note that (B) and (C) refer to
(A), so basically, in the American legal code the "United States" is
a federal corporation, not a country.(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
United States is "a Federal corporation". It's a business, a
red-white-and-blue mafia operating under the color of legal weasel words, and
it is shaking you down for money, by armed force. It regards you as its
numbered and catalogued property. It really is that simple. ...
is not a "country" called the "United States of America."
It is a CORPORATION and it considers you to be its property. Why would you want
to save that hideous monstrosity and be a part of it? What is "great"
or good about it? ...
don't know, and neither do you, whether we are perhaps dealing with a
malevolent, artificially intelligent machine monstrosity or an actual demonic
entity known as the "United States", that is intricately protected by
a fiendishly wicked government and body of so-called law that is not at all
what it appears to be, because when you start to dig and examine what the
"United States" really is, you run into blind alleys, nonsensical
information, misdirection, reams and reams of legal weasel words and documents
that mean something completely other than what they appear to mean, and one
false façade after another that completely contradicts what we were all
taught to believe is real and true.
- Thomas J. DiLorenzo: Truth About the 14th Amendment
- Kirwan: FEMA — The Plan to Kill America
- Control of Government
- Ed Lewis: Who's the boss in America?
President Trump has a big job to do, and
so far no man has been capable of fighting back... We The People can help him,
but we first have to learn the names of our true enemies. Our ignorance is at
the very top of that list...