Question from T: I just can't see why this isn't considered unpatriotic!
If ANYONE suggested doing this for social reasons (gay marriage, not agreeing with the war, abortion, etc) They would be STAMPED anti patriotic. . . And it is all just disagreeing with the Fed . . . Just an observation.
Answer from Ken: It is a good indicator as to how far we are swaying from our original Republic. I know Texans, and they are patriots for America. If America no longer exists, that is a different matter. Decisions will have to be made, with lines drawn in the sand. I will stand with them at the Alamo, as my ancestors did from Louisiana. Obama had better yield, and keep America for the people. America exists from people to government, not from government to people. Otherwise we are not a free nation “of the people and by the people”, but slaves. Freedom isn’t something freely given T, it is and was paid for by our blood.
Question from T:Right, but the people spoke on the election day!
The BIGGEST margin EVER won by any president!
Remember I am neither Dem or Repub. I'm just showing you how you side with the Republicans . . . Don't let them DUPE you!
The BIGGEST margin EVER won by any president!
Remember I am neither Dem or Repub. I'm just showing you how you side with the Republicans . . . Don't let them DUPE you!
Answer from Ken: I’m a Libertarian, and I know what DUPE means. I fought two years in Vietnam. :)
What percent?...with 52 percent of Christians voting for Obama... That is what DUPE really means. Obama and liberals do not represent my view eight out of ten times. I took many tests... Ron Paul son....
I’m going to read that piece at the meeting tonight, for the Louisiana Republican Legislative Deligation, if I can.
If you can find nothing to die for T, you will have very little to live for. Take a stand. Do what is right. We are all going to die. Die for something, and fear nothing. Read your history and you will love America. Look around. The mortor that built this empire was mixed with the blood of Patriots. The world wants it, and there are those among us who would give it away. Learn why we are the greatest nation ever to live on earth, and you will find a man, a singular man, like you and me. There is power in that.
Source: Campaign for LibertyDate: 4/19/2009Transcript:
Ron Paul: This weekend I got a couple of calls from the media asking me questions about Rick Perry, our governor here in Texas and the statements he made about possible secession. Now, he didn’t call for secession, but he was restating a principle that was long held and at least in the original time of our country, and that is that there was a right to secession.
Actually, after the Civil War, nobody believes there is a so-called right to secession, but it is a very legitimate issue to debate because all of the states that came into the Union before the Civil War believed they have a right to secede and New England in the early part of the 19th century actually considered it, and nobody questioned them about whether they had the right to do it or not.
Since the Civil War, it’s been sort of a dead issue, but he brought it up. It stirred the media and believe me, it really stirred some of the liberal media where they started really screaming about what is going on here. “This is un-American”, I heard one individual say, “This is treasonous to even talk about it.”
Well, they don’t know their history very well because if they think about it, it’s an American tradition. It’s very American to talk about secession. That’s how we came into being. Thirteen colonies seceded from the British and established a new country, so secession is very much an American principle.
What about all the strong endorsements we have given over the past decade or two of those republics that seceded from the Soviet system? We were delighted with this. We never said, “Oh no. Secession is treasonous”.
No. Secession is a good principle. Just think of the benefits that would have come over these last 230-some years if the principle of secession had existed. That means the federal government would always have been restrained, not to overburden the states with too much federalism, too many federal rules and regulations.
But since that was all wiped out with the Civil War, the federal government has grown by leaps and bounds and we have suffered the consequences, and we need to reconsider this. It’s not un-American to think about the possibility of secession. This is something that’s voluntary. We came together voluntarily. A free society means you can dissolve it voluntarily. That was the whole issue was about.
Just remember one of the reasons that Wilson drove us in unnecessarily into World War I. He talked about what we have to give, have every country in the world the benefit of self-determination, a good principle. Of course, I don’t think he really believed that. But self-determination is a good principle. It’s a very American principle, so to me it’s a shame that we can’t discuss this.
You know, it’s interesting that so many of us have been taught for so many years, and as long as I can remember from the first grade on up taking the pledge of allegiance that we have a republic that’s “indivisible” and we have been preached that and preached it. So therefore, there is no contest, no question since the Civil War that we have even the thought that this could happen.
But you know what a lot of people don’t talk about and they really don’t even know about is who wrote the pledge to the flag. The pledge to the flag came from, for instance, Bellamy, an avowed Socialist who wanted to put into concrete in the pledge this principle of being indivisible, and he did it, you know, for the celebration ironically 400 years of the celebration of the landing of Christopher Columbus, so it was in 1892.
I mean, the pledge of allegiance has not been here, you know, all our history. So I think it’s worth of discussion. I think people should discuss this because right now, the American people are sick and tired of it all and I think the time will come when people will consider it much more seriously is when the federal government can no longer deliver. That time will come when the dollar collapses.
No matter what they do and how many promises they have and how many bailouts they have, they can’t do it if the money doesn’t work. So then, the independence of the states will come back and it doesn’t mean that you’ll be un-American to even contemplate what might have to be done once the dollar crashes.
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